IVF Grants

Grants are open January 2025 – March 2025

Our IVF grants are funded through donations from private and corporate sponsors and through our charity shops. The majority of our money has been raised through the kind generosity of individuals fundraising on our behalf.

The number of grants we can award and the amount of each grant will vary each year based on the amount of money that we raise.

Typically our grants are up to £3,000. You must be able to cover rest of the cost of treatment.

Eligibility criteria

  • Heterosexual couples, single women and same-sex female and male couples
  • Female must be 42 and under
  • Couple to be British citizens with no criminal record and live full time in the UK
  • Couple to be cohabiting, with at least one half of the couple to be in full-time gainful employment at the time of application
  • Proof of funds to cover the rest of the treatment (if needed) including fertility medication costs

We take all information provided into consideration when deciding whether or not an applicant will receive a grant.

What can IVF Grant go towards:

  • In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) / ICSI
  • Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
  • Frozen Embryo Transfers (FET)
  • Egg Donation – IVF treatment not the surrogacy costs
  • Surrogacy – IVF treatment not the surrogacy costs
  • IVF Grant funding does not cover medication costs or reversing/correcting other medical treatment you may have had

How is the grant money paid?

Grant money will be pay directly to the fertility clinic of the applicant. No monies will be directly distributed to grant recipient(s) or private parties.

IVF Grant money must be used within 4 months.

Grant Application Process

To help us process your grant application you should make sure you have all the information needed as stated below.

If your application is incomplete or if you are missing/unable to provide the information requested then you would not be eligible for a grant.

Before making a grant application be advised of the following:

  1. Read through the eligibility criteria questions ensuring you have all the information needed
  2. Complete all the required fields in the online application form
  3. There is a £20 NON-REFUNDABLE application fee is required, and is considered a donation which may be tax deductible – Payable on completion of application
  4. All applications will be reviewed by our trustees and our medical advisors
  5. During the application process we may request further information
  6. By the end of April 2025 all applicants will be informed of the status of the application via email
  7. We are unable to give any feedback around the circumstances of why an individuals application was unsuccessful

Documentation required​

  • A copy of the photo part of your passport – both applicants if applicable
  • Bank statement last 3 months – both applicants if applicable
  • P60 – both applicants if applicable
  • Last 3 payslips if working – both applicants if applicable
  • Proof of any benefits you may receive – both applicants if applicable
  • Proof of funds to cover rest of the treatment including any tests you require and medication.
  • Personal statement – both applicants if applicable
  • Medical history including any relevant GP or clinic notes from any treatment you have had
  • Female and Male fertility tests including treatment plan and costs from your fertility clinic

IVF Grant Application Process

JanuaryMarch Grants open for 12 weeks

April – Shortlisted applicants will be contacted for further information if necessary which may include a video call to discuss their application.

We will notify all applicants via email with the outcome of their application.

End of April – we will delete all application information from our database apart from your email address which you can un-subscribe if you wish.

What can the IVF Grant go towards?

Our IVF grant can be used towards the cost of

In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) with ICSI if needed
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
Frozen Embryo Transfers (FET)
Surrogacy – IVF treatment
Egg Donation – IVF treatment

Does the IVF Grant cover IVF medication?

IVF medication and any addition fertility testing is not covered by our grants.

Can I use my preferred fertility clinic?

You can use the grant at any HFEA regulated fertility clinic.

Can I have treatment abroad?

You use your grant at any clinic abroad as long as they are regulated in their respective country.

Are fertility medications covered?

IVF Grant funding does not cover medication cost.

Do you cover medical revisions?

We do not cover reversing or correcting other medical treatment you may have had.

Can I use the grant for egg freezing?

We do not cover just egg freezing.

How many grants are awarded?

The number and amount of each grant will vary based upon availability of funds. The grants will be awarded approximately four weeks after the application deadline. We notify applicants via email. Please make sure to check for our emails so they do not go into a Spam file.

Do you award grants to those with children?

Yes, but the selection process STRONGLY favours first time parents.

How much is the grant worth and will it cover all of my treatment?

Typically our grants are up to £3,000.

Our grants may not even come close to the amount some treatment plans you require. Chances are that your treatment will incur expenses beyond what either type of grant provides. If you aren’t prepared to pay for the remainder, this grant may not be for you. Our outlook on the matter is to help as many families as we can to get a start and defray the expense for fertility treatments

Can I apply more than once?

Applicants may apply only two (2) times.

How are the grant funds distributed?

Grant money will be pay directly to the fertility clinic of the applicant. No monies will be directly distributed to grant recipient(s) or private parties.

I’ve already had IVF treatment can I apply for a grant to cover the costs?

IVF Grants can only be used for new treatment and not any treatment you’ve had previously or already paid for.

If I am awarded a grant do I have to use it within a certain time frame?

You have 4 months to use the money before it is returned to IVF grant fund.

Can you tell me why my grant wasn’t successful?

Due to the high number of applications we cannot give individual responses as to why your application was unsuccessful.

Is there an age limit?

Our age limit is 42 years for women.

If you have a criminal record

I am sure you will agree that there are criminal convictions that would preclude individuals from receiving a grant such as offences again children, sexual offences, and certain violet crimes. As part of our due diligence and the assessment of an application, this involves considering the risk past offences could pose to young children.

Who started the fertility foundation?

The Fertility Foundation is a registered charity setup in 2017 by husbands Tone and PJ who have been working in the IVF community since 2009. More information can be found here.

Can I raise money for your charity?

We would love that!! Head over to our fundraising section to find out way you raise money.

Do you receive any Government funding?

We receive no government funding and have self funded our charity.

Is it true you have a charity shop?

Actually, we have 2 shops.

We opened the very first fertility charity shop in Hoddesdon close to where we live and our second shop opened in March 2024 in Waltham Cross.